My name is Stella Momoboshi, and I make Text-to-Speech videos, as well as MikuMikuDance videos, including... you guessed it... the one and only Microsoft Sam!
While the gang meanders its way through the LT intro parodies, news comes that TootyCH has been abducted, and Harry resolves to save her from her captors.
John's worried that Thunderbirds404 and Matt Crowley want Dave to cease and desist the "sheesh"/"shush the sheesh" banter, so Dave and friends try to assure him that such banter is normal.
Sylvie Paula Paula and Barry Pearl, members of the JZtn Elite Squad, join up for some LT Parodies hilarity, but then those no-goodniks Bernard and Billy show up.
Amid the LT intro parodies, a new troublemaker, Betty McLain, girlfriend of Bernard Donaldson and new member of the B Gang, makes trouble for Dave and his friends.
Mike blows his head off during a tantrum, Mary fries Sam with laser-eye powers, and Helena and Bandita show up at the studio. Henry, Kennedy and Timothy make their first appearances in a davemadson video. After Sam was rushed to the hospital, Cedric and Miss M help direct the blooper parade, which includes visits from rogue logos and Rowena Stoker. A battle erupts outside the hospital, the record is set straight about what the Klasky-Csupo logo REALLY is, and Dave pops the question to Rhonda. The following week, the dark forces are driven away from the hospital, Sam awakens from his coma, and the Angry P-Head, Two-Headed P-Head, Stoker sisters and even Satan himself stir up more trouble in the studio. After that, Sam returns from the hospital, Evil Sam and the Stoker sisters stir up more trouble, and Dave and Rhonda tie the knot.
Aurum Shenron, the Golden Dragon, arrives and grants seven wishes for Dave and his friends.
Motorola Ident Bloopers
Welcome to my new logo blooper series!
In Motorola Ident Bloopers, we enter a whole new world of logo bloopers, which involves three Motorola idents: the New World Ident, the Hello Moto Ident, and the Genesis Ident.
In this first episode of Motorola Ident Bloopers, we will be doing the New World Ident.