My name is Stella Momoboshi, and I make Text-to-Speech videos, as well as MikuMikuDance videos, including... you guessed it... the one and only Microsoft Sam!
After Miss M and Moto Madson managed to get the Lenovo back in Motorola's New World Ident, the other Lenovo escapes Motorola's Hello Moto Ident, and it's up to Miss M and her friends to bring him back to the ident!
3 of 4: Ayrton & Miss M showing the cheerleader sisters their true power
Ayrton & Miss Madson are about to show their true ultimate power by releasing them! But after they revert back to their usual forms, Ayrton had an idea. But this means not only that, Lydia, Ellie & Laila show their Hula dance outfits.
4 of 4: The cake is a lie!
Miss Madson has got her birthday cake from Lucio and Lucy, and Cedric feels suspicious about it.
This is my version of Jan Justine Angelo Enrico's "Four Shorts in One Cartoon".
Microsoft Sam Plays Friday Night Funkin' is back after a long hiatus, and Sam attempts the sixth week of this awesome game, which is the pixel-themed week where Senpai appears! Think you can beat his score? Try playing the game yourself!
Madson Patrol
Episode 1: "It's Time to Patrol"
In the series premiere of Madson Patrol, Gen'Eric Noos Ree-Porter does a news report on a flooded city, Miss Madson and Jenny do a commercial where they introduce "Miss Madson's Sailor Makeup", TechnicalMaria compares what TechnicalSofia looks like as of right now to what she looked like back then, and more!
Miss Madson's Funny Signs is back with a tree of funny signs such as a free air guitar, a missing mood ring, and even a sign that tells you not to walk on rocks.
Mike and Mary return from their honeymoon, Lucio and Lucy de Ville visit, Cedric reveals the secret to his superpowers, and Miss Xudson stirs up trouble.